Monday 20 September 2010


I am going to create a short film as part of a group. Before this I will do extensive research into what makes a good short film, and also research into genres as this will give me a better indication into what type of film I am to create, whether it be a single genre or a hybrid of a few genres. I will also produce two of the following three things; a poster, double page spread or radio trailer, this however is part of the individual work unlike the film itself.

Monday 13 September 2010

Why is genre an important factor of film-making?

Genre is essential now more than ever before in film making, it helps to differentiate one film to another, when a film has genre it targets a niche market, for example, kill bill (Tarantino) is a film aimed at 18 - 35 year olds, it has a wide audience range but is still a niche market as it is for people who enjoy thriller films with violence and intense action, not just the age group. Another example of this is recently released Scott Pilgrim vs the world (Wright), this is aimed at a young audience probably 16 - 24, but also for people who enjoy comedy, but also black comedy as their is a lot of violence in the film.
Not only does genre allow film makers to specify what audience they are going to attract, it also makes it easier to make the film itself, as they can follow particular codes and conventions which you would expect to see in a particular genre of film, for example, in a horror film you would expect to see violence, death, gory effects, a particular weapon (knife, claw, chainsaw etc), chase scenes, a fictional creature (vampire, were-wolf, zombie),  these things are know as iconography, they are 'iconic' to a horror films. Another example is an action film, you would expect to see at least one hero/heroine, guns, violence, explosions, a villain, the victim, a certain piece of iconography from the hero (superman - cape, batman - utility belt). All of these things, as an audience you would expect to see, if you go to watch a film you go to watch it because you expect to see something which interests you as an individual, you may do it subconsciously but if people write down their ten favourite films, it is most likely a pattern would emerge of what genre of film they like most.
As films are evolving, they are becoming more than one specific genre, many films today are now 'hybrid' genres, for example, twilight (Hardwicke) a very popular film among today's youth, is a hybrid film, you could attach a few different genres to the film; for example, thriller, action, fantasy, romantic, this allows for more of a wide audience as it has a little bit of everything so it can appeal to more people and ultimately making more money, it appeals to all the niche markets, that is why most films today try to be a hybrid film to become more successful .