Friday 13 August 2010

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

My ancillary texts are effective with my short film because they are the best way to promote my short film, both to my demographic and to promote what type of film it is.
As you can see on my poster above, immediately it should be recognisable that the story has elements of love, with the central protagonist appearing to have been married twice, but it is also a story about heartache, loss and pain, with the picture of her upset and looking distraught, which provides the background for the poster and also for my article.
My article is effective as it uses more pictures from my film, a very important picture is the one of the central protagonist being clearly abused by a man, again indicating to the audience what type of film this is going to be. Also, the written article itself is hopefully interesting and gives more insight into the film but without giving too much away. The article is done in the style of a magazine article for a magazine such as "Empire" magazine, As I feel the review written is not too formal, it is also slightly bias and only really picks out it's good points, i don't feel it would be suited for a newspaper as it is not critical enough. As shown with my research, I have tried to emulate the style of some hollywood double page spreads for magazines such as the "Clash of the Titans" one. With a main picture in the background with smaller pictures, stills from the film elsewhere on the poster, i have also emulated the style of the text with the large single letter to begin the article.
The poster I have tried to do in house style, I originally wanted to do it in the style of the posters for "The Dark Knight" and "Inception", with one main picture, with a dark blue and grey colour scheme, however, being that my film is a short independent film I felt this was not suitable, and so I tried to emulate the poster style of the short film "I'm Here", and as our film has a similar aspect, of love , loss and hurt, I felt doing it in this style would have been more effective.
As seen with my drafts however I felt that one picture was not enough and so added more.
One aspect that I have kept from the mainstream posters is by having the title of the film at the bottom, i feel it looks more professional.

I believe these link well with main product as they don't lose sight of what the film is about, I believe it is noticeable to attach genre's to the film just from these texts. I also believe the posters keep in line with the 15 - 24 predominantly female audience.

What i would change about the texts is that would have made the poster darker, as looking at it, I feel it makes the film slightly more innocent looking that it actually is, and also with the double page spread, I would of attempted to take pictures just for the Purpose of the poster rather than use stills from the film.

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