Friday 13 August 2010

poster research

These are the posters for 'Inception' and 'The Dark Knight', 2 very successful blockbuster films and both from director Christopher Nolan. You can see the similarities between the two psters, both with the title of the film at the bottom and one large image, with tall buildings in the background. Both are grey and dark blue in colour, and both have the films tagline at the top.


These are the posters for two independant films 'I'm here' which i have looked at and mentioned previously, which is a short film, and the very successful 'Winter's Bone'. You can see the difference in style compared to the two blockbuster posters, both with the title more in the centre, 'I'm here' using brighter colours although in terms of colour 'Winter's Bone' is similar to the blockbuster ones, with the dark blue, giving it a dark theme.
However all the posters are similar as they all use one picture which focuses on the central protagonist of the film.
I hope to emulate this style for my own poster.

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